
Google's Ranking and Domain Age: What matters the most?



Do aged domains help SEO? Your domain name is crucial to the success of your website and the reputation of your brand in the digital world. Using a fresh name from scratch is challenging because it puts you at the very bottom of search engine results pages (SERPs)

For this reason, a lot of companies today use aged or expired names for their operations.

Web “URLs” that have gone into "expired" status have been abandoned by their original owner and have reverted to the open registry. 

Expired web pages haven't been renewed and are still inside their default period, suggesting they were used fraudulently. Older web pages have remained dormant for a while, making them safer due to their age.

What Are Aged Domains?

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The idea behind "aged domains" is straightforward. Websites with an established age have been developed, published online, and are fully operational.

People view aged domains two ways:

  1. Aged domains
  2. Old domains Plus live site

Basically, the value of an established domain name could entice prospective buyers. Consider the name "" Assume someone has purchased the name with the intention of selling it to a prospective buyer. Even after purchasing the web page, they did not use it to launch a website.

For example, many of these “old” names have never hosted a website. They have “aged” because they were likely purchased several years ago. However, Google does not consider them to be of “old” age.

In contrast, Google views "aged" URL that have a live website but has been inactive for some time.


SEO has a direct correlation with the age of a web page. Abandoned URLs that have been around for longer tend to rank higher in search engines. In general, older names help websites rank higher than newer ones.

On the other hand, one cannot infer causality from a correlation. It's possible that having an older web page will help your website's search engine rankings, but that factor alone could not be the deciding factor.

SEO Benefits of Acquiring Older Domains

Buying an older webpage for search engine optimization purposes has many advantages, some of which are listed below:

Domain Authority (DA):

You can expect more from an established name than you would from a brand new one. To the best of our knowledge, there is no data to back up the claim, but we believe that on average, all websites still online today that were created in 2010 have a greater domain authority than all websites created in 2019.

Why? Long-running websites have had more time to:

  • Making Content and Linking to It
  • The generation of brand mentions
  • Other Methods to Boost DA


One of the most frustrating aspects of SEO is building your backlink profile. But it's essential for boosting a site's authority in its niche.

Web pages that have been online for a while have a better chance of gaining quality inbound connections.

Website Traffic:

Investing in older names for SEO is interesting because of Google's natural search traffic.

Rather than building a brand-new site with no preexisting audience, you can get a head start on search engine traffic by purchasing older webpages and optimizing it for SEO.


This is not something you need to worry about if you purchase an already established web address name that is generating monthly revenue.

Instead of building a website from scratch and facing the prospect of $0 in monthly revenue, you may save time and money by purchasing an established URL with a preexisting. On the downside, you'll probably have to spend more than usual for it.

Is SEO risky with expired domains?

301 redirects are perfectly fine in Google's eyes. In web development, 301 redirects are a normal and expected practice. To give you an idea, we went from Internet Reputation Management to Reputation X a long time ago. Because of the importance of the links pointing to our old URL, we made sure to 301 redirect them onto our new one. Users who encounter our old URL through a search will now be automatically forwarded to our new site.

What tools are recommended for Expired Domain?

Follow the best sites to find an old or expired URL name for free.

  1. DomCop: Often, We use DomCop. Unlike aged sites, many expired sites tools are grabbed from auction houses. Many tools list the same names. DomCop has a longer list than comparable tools.
  1. Spamzilla: Spamzilla gets URL’s from GoDaddy auctions and compares metrics. The tool filters websites by price, inbound links, referring domains, etc.
  2. FreshDrop: FreshDrop is a consolidated search engine for URL auctions. Domains are pulled from GoDaddy, Namejet, Buy Domains, Afternic, Dynadot, and more.
  3. Domain Hunter Gatherer: Domain Hunter Gatherer is a unique tool. A program that can be downloaded to search URLs for auctions and expired websites marketplaces.
  4. Similar to DomCop, is free. Free means it's more available to everyone, but less work has been done on the UI.
  5. RegisterCompass: RegisterCompass lets you search expired URL’s and domain auctions to filter results. The website boasts 1 million expired names and 3 million auction websites.

6 tools for Finding Aged or Expired Domain 



Whois, Alexa, Estibot, Moz, Majestic


Majestic, Ahrefs, Moz


Moz, Majestic

Domain Hunter Gatherer

Moz, Majestic

Alexa, Majestic


Majestic, Moz, SEMrush, Alexa, Google, Bing, Wayback Machine

How To Use Aged Or Expired Domains?

There are a variety of approaches that one may take in order to make use of an older or expired names for search engine optimization objectives. The various possibilities are discussed in the following paragraphs.

Create a Brand New Website

Building a website from scratch with a new URL name can help you get high search engine rankings for keywords related to your niche. You can skip this step if you'd rather use a previously owned but now unused name to launch your site. If the web page is respected on the Internet, you may expect to benefit from it.

Expired Domain Redirect

The other way around is to buy and register a website and redirect an expired names to your main website to boost Google rankings. This will enhance your site's authority ranking and help search engines find it online. This strategy is dependent on redirection. Most efficient is 301 redirect. Visitors to the expired URL are redirected to your main website.

Ensure the expired or aged pages you acquire has a quality link profile.

Link Sourcing

1. bangla

2. bangla

3. bangla

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SEO specialists buy expired names to use their source links. You can buy a decent URL name relevant to your field if it has a strong link profile. If it lacks links, the goal is lost.

"Your main website may quickly contact the webmasters of all sites linked to the expired URLs. You can also provide your main website as an SEO specialists buy expired names to use their source links. You can buy a decent URL name relevant to your field if it has a strong link profile. If it lacks links, the goal is lost.alternative to the expired domain they are linking to. Some will reject your offer; those that do will link to your site, giving you quality source links."

"Flipping" Domain Names

Last is domain spinning. Buying and selling names for profit. Flippers may soon acquire just the website address or the full website. Buy a site that's underperforming.

You may uncover an expired names that wasn't fully monetized despite regular visitors. You can buy it, develop it with excellent content and links, then sell it. You may acquire a name with good branding potential; these fetch premium prices, especially if they include a generic term.


What is domain age in SEO?

Does domain age affect domain authority?

DA: An older domain is more likely to have a high Domain Authority (DA), which will improve its search engine rankings. This also refers to the total amount of links that are leading to your site, articles, and/or business.


Finally, here's the short version of the response to your question: Do aged domains help SEO? The most crucial thing you can do if you want to increase your website's SEO profile by making use of older or expired names is to look for domains that are relevant to your niche, are not spammy, and have quality backlinks. If you do, you can integrate the new domain into your existing strategy by connecting it to your main website, as described in the article.

Watch the video to learn more about the aged domain

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