Google Ads

What If Your Google Ads Are Approved But You're Not Getting Any Clicks?



You have set up your new pay-per-click account, loaded the keywords, and optimized the ad copy, and every time you log in to Google advertisements to see how it is performing you find that it has not started getting any clicks yet. Following are the reasons that are becoming a constraint for your campaign from getting any visibility:

Why is my Google ad not getting any impressions

  • Billing information problem
  • Advertisement group is stopped 
  • Commercials are not approved
  • Disapproved keyphrases
  • Search volume is lower
  • Campaign schedule not executed well

PPC and digital marketers often use Impression Share to track the reach of their Google Ads and other network advertisements. However, figuring out how many impressions your commercials need is not easy. Sometimes, even after spending a lot of time and energy setting up online endorsements, you won't see any results.

There is a wide range of plausible causes for this. The ability to execute successful campaign and increase your share of response depends on your familiarity with these issues and their solutions. Read on to learn why your PPC ads on the web directory may not be getting any clicks and what you can do to improve their visibility.

Why is my Google ad not getting any impressions? Learn more about it

There are several reasons that are responsible for your postings from not getting engagement. Listed below are the most common reasons due to which the commercial has not started showing.

Billing details issue

Your Google ad is not getting any clicks because of a number of factors, one of which being an error in your paying information. You need to double verify everything from the credit card number to the address on your billing information to make sure it's correct. It's crucial that you double-check the billing details, as the search engine will not display your postings if there's a problem or wrong data.


Campaign is paused

Double check if your Ad groups' status is still active. A paused endorsement not only delays your ad from showing but also prevents it from receiving the conversion.


Disapproved adverts

If your promotions are not following the ad text policy of the internet service provider, your billboard will be disapproved. You can manually verify the advert approval in the advertising tab of your profile and examine the Status bar. 


Disapproved campaign keywords

Checking your content catchword is important because portals run through the  phrases to examine if they are following their policies. Catchword approvals must be scrutinized in the interface by selecting the tab and checking the advert Status column.

Low volume keywords

Low search volume keywords have very little activity on web, which suggests they aren't highly relevant to the majority of users. You are probably focusing on extremely specialized or long-tail phrases, which are not frequently used in web findings. Your phrases may also be spelled incorrectly. 

Ineffective ad planning

The practice of limiting your endorsements to run just on particular days of the week and hours of the day is known as ad scheduling. Your PPC contents are not being sent out at the right times or in the right manner to reach your target audience. This problem may be probably the cause of the lack of response on your postings.

Top tricks to enhance commercials impression

Top 6 hacks to increase Google ad impression

  • Optimize keywords
  • Retargeting/Remarketing
  • Check Merchant Center for errors
  • Modify Geo-targeting set up
  • Optimize product title
  • Optimize photos

Your shopping engine search ranking can be improved, by using some simple strategies. Take a look at the top tricks to enhance your ad engagement

Always optimize keywords

It's critical to optimize keywords in order to increase activity on your page and your Google profile's score.

Target consumers again and again

Retargeting or remarketing your existing consumers works for all trade dealings  and is also useful for Google ads ranking factors.

Check for merchant issues

Checking for Google Merchant Center issues and product policy infringement is always the first step in any advert campaign that you are conducting. Since your online account is where your shopping advertisements are being displayed, you must ensure that everything is in place and that the information is accurate.

Geo-targeting settings to be adjusted

You can increase your impression share by modifying the geographical settings for your advertising. Make sure the right ad campaigns are appearing where your potential customers are.

Optimize product title

As it describes the product you are selling, the title becomes the most noticeable section of the promotion. Shopping campaign performance is directly impacted by an optimized title. It helps in increasing click-through rates and boosting traffic to search engine shopping postings. It also exposes audience to your services and boosts your conversion rate.

Optimize product photos

Use high-quality photos for improving ad performance and make the best impact with promotions. By improving the likelihood that your service will show up for relevant search queries, good photographs will attract customers' attention to them. 


Q. How long does it take to get response on online ads?

A. Within 24 hours of starting an advertising campaign, it starts to receive response. However, some postings might take longer if a more thorough review is required.

Q. How to get more ad visibility?

 A. Follow the simple ways to get more traffic:

  • Focus on the content quality
  • Use relevant phrases
  • Know more about accelerated Ad delivery
  • Use Geo-Targeting


Q. How to know if your ad is working?

A. To know if your endorsement is working, log in to your profile and then choose Ads and extensions from the page menu. Now, select the ‘status’ column to know the ad's status.

The bottom line

When you realize that you have put great amount of time plus work into putting up the campaign feed but have had no clicks, it can be depressing to you. However, if you take into account the aforementioned variables to investigate and identify the cause of the issue with zero response then your campaign will be a complete success.


Hopefully, this post helps in your problem-solving. However, feel free to contact SharkFold if you believe you need more assistance. Contact us right away to speak with a professional!

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